Blood Flowers (Vandetta) Kan Çiçekleri Episode 78 Watch Trailer – Thursday, April 13 Trailer


Dilan Takes a Step to Baran!

Hello Blood Flowers lovers. In Blood Flowers, the waters do not settle between Baran and Dilan. Baran complains that Dilan was destroyed in a single blow in this love nest they tried to build together. Dilan now accepts the existence of Baran in her life. You can also express your opinions with your comments.

The 78th episode of Blood Flowers (Vandetta) Kan Çiçekleri, which is one of the most loved and most watched TV series on Channel 7 screens, is with you.

Blood Flowers (Vandetta) Kan Çiçekleri Episode 78
kan çiçekleri

Details from the Trailer of Blood Flowers 78 episodes!

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We have now entered a constructive process between Dilan and Baran in the Blood Flowers series. The blows that the duo takes and the decisions they will take shoulder to shoulder together carry them from “me-you” to “us”.

Although these difficult situations that Dilan and Baran face actually seem to distance the two from each other, they play a unifying role from the very beginning. In these processes, Baran and Dilan will find the truth in their own mistakes and move forward.

Baran did not have Dilan’s father beaten, and he was upset that Dilan believed it. Baran wanted Dilan to shoot himself and put an end to this incident. Dilan, on the other hand, thought about how she got into this ridiculous situation and collected herself. He thought that Baran had gone too far and decided to take a step towards him.

Dilan said that her life in this huge mansion consists only of this small room and that she put Baran in her life. Dilan took Baran into her small life.

While Baran’s jealousy and uneasiness about Dilan are erased; Dilan understood that he trusted Baran.

Blood Flowers Kan Çiçekleri Episode 78 Trailer Details Continue! What Will Happen at Blood Flowers on , ThursdayApril 13th!


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