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Nedim will want to have Nana by force!
Watch Legacy 488 Episode Trailer! What will happen on Monday, December 27th in Legacy 488th episode? Legacy series continues with new season episodes. Legacy 488 trailer has arrived. What awaits us in Legacy 488th episode? What happened in the last episode of Legacy, what will happen in the new episode? Details in the summary of the Legacy 488th episode are in our news…
Legacy 488th episode, which is one of the most loved and most followed series on Channel 7 screens, was broadcast on Tuesday, December 27. Legacy next episode tips are with you.
Excitement continues at full speed in the Legacy series. Nana had left the mansion by tricking the mansion’s maid. However, Yaman could not stand this situation. He didn’t let Nana go. While returning to the Yaman mansion, we all have one question in mind. What will happen now? Our predictions for the next episode are in our summary…
The rings are the first sign! Nana’s comeback created happiness in the mansion. Everyone was very happy, especially Yusuf. There are two people who are sad in the mansion. One is Nedim and the other is the mansion’s maid.
For Yaman, this comeback created a great confusion. What will be their future with Nana? Even this thought of Yaman is a clear declaration of his love for Nana. However, it is not possible to erase the past all at once. Seher’s memories will not be erased easily.
Nedim is our new trouble! There will be no rapid progress for Yaman and Nana for now. However, our couple will move towards love with each passing day. Here, our new enemy will be Nedim.
Legacy 488 Episode Trailer Tuesday, December 27 Summary
His love for Nana has almost blinded Nesin. In the upcoming episodes, Nedim will make a mess with his secret plans. However, as we always say, evil has always united our couple in the series. This will again have the effect we predicted.
The difficulties to be experienced in the upcoming episodes will bring Nana and Yaman closer together. Don’t be surprised if we decide to marry my couple very soon. Nana and Yaman’s marriage will be amazing! We eagerly await these episodes.
Emanet 487.Bölüm – 26 Aralık Pazartesi Tek Parça İzle
Emanet 484.Bölüm – 21 Aralık Çarşamba Tek Parça İzle
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