Redemption Episode 34 – Redemption 34 December Friday

Redemption 34

You Have Fallen In Love With Your Brother’s Killer!

Redemption 34th episode trailer has been released! What will happen in the 34th episode of Redemption? The Redemption series continues with new episodes. Redemption will air on Friday, December 34 with its 34th episode. What happened in the last episode of Redemption, what will happen in the new episode of Redemption? Details in the summary of the 34th episode of Redemption are in our news… Here’s what will happen on Wednesday, December 34 in Redemption…

Watch the details of the 34th episode of Redemption, which is one of the most loved and followed series on Channel 7 screens.

esaret 14

The slavery series continues with its exciting episode. The doctor made up his mind to take revenge on Hira. While Orhun tries to cover up this situation, they come upon him from all sides. The waters will not settle in the series of captivity. Here are the details of the next episode of Bondage…

Hira realizes the doctor’s true intentions. He knows very well that she will not leave without getting revenge for Nihan. Although the doctor does not speak, he literally eats Hira with his eyes. Disturbed by this situation, Hira wants to talk to the people at home, but unfortunately, the door is the wall. No communication is allowed, let alone talking.

Orhun Is Afraid Of Being Us! Although Hira tries to warn Orhun about the doctor, Orhun does not hesitate to make his tough attitude speak again. He spoke big when he said that he would never be one with Hira.

Orhun doesn’t like the doctor at all. He knows he’s always scratching something. The doctor, on the other hand, is upset that Orhun married Hira after Nihan’s death. While the two vomit their hatred for each other, what Afife will hear and see will shake her a lot!

Esaret 33.Bölüm Tek Parça İzleme Linki

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