Redemption 218th Episode Trailer -November 29th Wednesday

Afife Ruined Everything!

Hello Redemption fans. While Orhun and Hira’s wedding preparations continue, suddenly things went upside down. Cihangir and Neva came like a black cloud! Afife, trying to handle things in her own way, got her son in trouble! Let’s see what awaits us in Episode 218 of Esaret? You can express your opinions in the comments for the upcoming episode analysis…

The trailer for Redemption Episode 218 has been released! What will happen in Esaret Episode 218? Redemption series continues with new episodes. Redemption will be on screen on Wednesday, November 29th. What happened in the last episode of Redemption, what will happen in the new episode of Redemption? Details from the summary of Redemption Episode 218 are in our news… Here are the events that will happen on Wednesday, November 29th in Esaret… The details of watching Redemption Episode 218 on Channel 7 are with you.

Esaret 218

Has the Redemption 218 Trailer Been Released?

Dizi Haberleri There was no captivity left for Orhun in Redemption, but all this is due to Afife’s ignorance. Accept it, Afife, you’re rusty, and you can’t solve the events anymore. Moreover, you can’t easily scare Neva and Cihangir.

Hira and Orhun also suffered because of Afife. Orhun is found guilty of kidnapping Neva. Hira is not ready to separate from Orhun. What’s happening, their wedding was supposed to be!

Now, to fix this misunderstanding, Hira will take action. We have watched Orhun’s heroism and protectiveness so far. Now, Hira will do the same.

Although Kenan and Nurşah play games to take custody of Nefes, they will also be caught up in this wind. Kenan and Nurşah told the social services officer how much they love each other. Nurşah was affected by this situation. After the problems are resolved after taking Nefes, their relationship will gradually improve.

How did you find this episode? Let’s meet in the comments… 💕

Redemption Episode 218 Trailer Details Continue! Watch Esaret on Wednesday, November 29th!

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Esaret 218.Bölüm Tek Parça İzleme Linki
Esaret Konusu

Demirhanlı ailesinin veliahtı Orhun ve ömrü boyunca kölelik altında yaşayan Hira’nın intikamla yoğurulan aşkı, Kanal 7’nin büyük ilgi gören dizisi Esaret ile hafta içi her gün ekranlardaki yerini alıyor. Esaret; farklı hikayesi ile dikkat çekiyor.

Demirhanlı Konağı acı bir haberle sarsılır. Ailenin lideri, kudretli Orhun Demirhanlı’nın ikiz kız kardeşi, görev için gittiği Afrika’da korkunç bir cinayete kurban gider. Kız kardeşini almak için gittiği Afrika’da acı gerçekle yüzleşen Orhun, kardeşinin katillerini cezalandırmayı kafasına koyar. Yüreğindeki intikam ateşiyle hayatına devam etmeye çalışan Orhun, Afrika’dan dönerken içinde kor bir ateş, yanında ise köle bir kız olan Hira vardır. Bundan sonra ne dünya eskisi gibi olacaktır ne de Orhun Demirhanlı…

Kardeşinin intikamını almak isteyen Orhun ve vicdanının esiri olan Hira’nın öyküsü Esaret ile hafta içi her gün 19:00’da Kanal 7’de…

Esaret Kadrosu

Mahassine Merabet

Cenk Torun

Ali Yağız Durmuş

Hilal Anay

Melahat Abbasova

Mustafa Şimşek

Zeki Ocak

Esra Demirci

Pervin Mert

Yağmur Çelik

Yaren Yıldırım

Kerem Tanık

Ceren Su Gülnaz Özçelik

Bülent Ergün

Başak Durmaz

Öncil Aktarıcı

Gözde Erdem

Sinem Karaçoban

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