Legacy Season 3 Story

Legacy season 3

Legacy season 3 begins. What will happen in Legacy season 3? Is the Legacy season 3 trailer released? When does the security start?

Legacy , which is watched with interest on Channel 7 screens, is in front of its fans with its third season. The life of Yaman and Yusuf, who fell into a deep mourning after Seher’s death, will take its place on the screen with Legacy .

Yaman, whose whole life is turned upside down while he thinks he has found happiness, on the one hand, and little Yusuf, who lost his aunt, the only port where he took refuge after his mother, on the other. The series, which is followed with excitement on the screens, will increase the dose of action in the third season.

Legacy Season 3 Story

After Seher’s death, Yusuf becomes withdrawn. On the one hand, Yaman mourns his dead wife, on the other hand, he wants to make his only nephew laugh again. But the solutions found by Yaman are useless. On the other hand, Aziz’s sister pursues her brother’s killer. By combining the clues found, Nana reaches the real killer of Aziz, Topal. Topal tells Nana that Yaman is the killer. Nana enters the mansion as Yusuf’s babysitter. How will this stranger who suddenly enters their lives affect the lives of Yaman and Yusuf, will Nana see Topal’s real face? Will Yusuf smile again, having closed his heart to the whole world? All this and more will be presented to Kanal 7 viewers with Emanet.

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