Emanet Legacy Episode 241 Promo

legacy 241

Ali and Yaman are in mourning!

In the series Emanet, Yaman cannot get rid of the pain of the past. While Yaman puts pressure on Ziya about the mother; Yusuf and Seher have good plans for the duo.

Seher collects the household and takes them to her secret garden. While Yaman finds the tree that Seher is dealing with, Seher is very embarrassed.

Yaman and Ziya have stored their energy at the picnic thanks to Seher and left the past aside for a bit. The phone call to Yaman will put things on a very dead end.

Ali and Yaman will take their breath away with the phone call from Arif Baba. But there is an uninvited guest who comes before them. Arif Baba has solved all the foya of the woman. The woman is not sick. The woman gets nervous when she finds out that her children are coming. The woman is so distraught that she turns her back on Arif Baba, who has a heart attack.

Ali and Yaman witness the last moments of Arif Baba when he arrives. Before Ali and Yaman learn that they are brothers, they lose their beloved father. Ali and Yaman will grieve. This will open a huge wound that shakes them deeply.

Yaman and Ali’s mother is very happy about this death. She thinks her past is buried with Arif, too. However, while Arif Baba was dying, he entrusted his secret to Aunt Sultan. Aunt Sultan will reveal this secret when the time comes. Aunt Sultan, on the other hand, is waiting for days to be crushed under the weight of this secret.

This death also calmed the relationship between Ali and Yaman. This death brought them a little closer together. We can say that Yaman is a brother to Ali.

On the other hand, Duygu is trying to support Ali. Although the relationship between the two is quite open, Duygu takes a step towards Ali. He will support Ali in these difficult times.

Ali and Yaman are in mourning!

In the series Emanet, Yaman cannot get rid of the pain of the past. While Yaman puts pressure on Ziya about the mother; Yusuf and Seher have good plans for the duo.

Seher collects the household and takes them to her secret garden. While Yaman finds the tree that Seher is dealing with, Seher is very embarrassed.

Yaman and Ziya have stored their energy at the picnic thanks to Seher and left the past aside for a bit. The phone call to Yaman will put things on a very dead end.

Ali and Yaman will take their breath away with the phone call from Arif Baba. But there is an uninvited guest who comes before them. Arif Baba has solved all the foya of the woman. The woman is not sick. The woman gets nervous when she finds out that her children are coming. The woman is so distraught that she turns her back on Arif Baba, who has a heart attack.

Ali and Yaman witness the last moments of Arif Baba when he arrives. Before Ali and Yaman learn that they are brothers, they lose their beloved father. Ali and Yaman will grieve. This will open a huge wound that shakes them deeply.

Yaman and Ali’s mother is very happy about this death. She thinks her past is buried with Arif, too. However, while Arif Baba was dying, he entrusted his secret to Aunt Sultan. Aunt Sultan will reveal this secret when the time comes. Aunt Sultan, on the other hand, is waiting for days to be crushed under the weight of this secret.

This death also calmed the relationship between Ali and Yaman. This death brought them a little closer together. We can say that Yaman is a brother to Ali.

On the other hand, Duygu is trying to support Ali. Although the relationship between the two is quite open, Duygu takes a step towards Ali. He will support Ali in these difficult times.

Ali e Yaman estão de luto!

Na série Emanet, Yaman não consegue se livrar da dor do passado. Enquanto Yaman pressiona Ziya sobre a mãe; Yusuf e Seher têm bons planos para a dupla.

Seher reúne a família e os leva para seu jardim secreto. Enquanto Yaman encontra a árvore com a qual Seher está lidando, Seher fica muito envergonhado.

Graças a Seher, Yaman e Ziya armazenaram sua energia no piquenique e deixaram o passado de lado um pouco. O telefonema para Yaman colocará as coisas em um beco sem saída.

Ali e Yaman estarão com ele no telefonema de Arif Baba. Mas há um convidado indesejado que vem antes deles. Arif Baba resolveu todas as foya da mulher. A mulher não está doente. A mulher fica nervosa ao saber que seus filhos estão chegando. A mulher está tão perturbada que vira as costas para Arif Baba, que sofre um ataque cardíaco.

Ali e Yaman testemunham os últimos momentos de Arif Baba quando ele chega. Antes de Ali e Yaman saberem que são irmãos, eles perdem seu amado pai. Ali e Yaman ficarão de luto. Isso abrirá uma enorme ferida que os sacudirá profundamente.

A mãe de Yaman e Ali está muito feliz com esta morte. Ele acha que seu passado está enterrado com Arif. No entanto, enquanto Arif Baba estava morrendo, ele confiou seu segredo à tia Sultan. Tia Sultan revelará esse segredo quando chegar a hora. A tia Sultan, por outro lado, espera dias para ser esmagada pelo peso desse segredo.

Essa morte também acalmou o relacionamento entre Ali e Yaman. Esta morte os aproximou um pouco mais. Podemos dizer que Yaman é irmão de Ali.

Por outro lado, Duygu está tentando apoiar Ali. Embora a relação entre os dois seja bastante aberta, Duygu dá um passo em direção a Ali. Ele apoiará Ali nestes tempos difíceis.

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