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Baran has been poisoned! Derya Scored His Last Goal!
Hello Blood Flowers lovers. Derya was kicked out of the house in Blood Flowers. The facts have been revealed. Derya added poison to the tea while leaving the house. The one who took the tea was Baran… You can also express your opinions with your comments.
Blood Flowers (Vandetta) Kan Çiçekleri episode 86th trailer has arrived. Blood Flowers (Vandetta) Kan Çiçekleri will continue to be broadcast on Channel 7 screens with its new episode on Tuesday, April 25th. In the last episode of Blood Flowers (Vandetta) Kan Çiçekleri, we emphasized that Baran’s feelings towards Dilan have changed. Step by step, Baran and Dilan get closer. What will happen in the 86th episode of Blood Flowers? The Blood Flowers series continues with its new episodes. Blood Flowers (Vandetta) Kan Çiçekleri episode 86th trailer has arrived! What happened in the last episode of Blood Flowers, what will happen in the new episode? The details in the summary of the 86th episode of Blood Flowers are in our news…
The 86th episode of Blood Flowers (Vandetta) Kan Çiçekleri, which is one of the most loved and most watched TV series on Channel 7 screens, is with you.
Details from the Trailer of Blood Flowers 86 episodes!
Excitement continues in Blood Flowers. As we said, it was clear that Derya’s deception would be revealed at the end of the week, and it did. Derya was kicked out of the house. Baran wanted Dilan to cut Derya’s sentence. Derya’s place was behind bars but she just got kicked out of the house.
Derya continues to cause harm without being aware of the evils she has done with this ambition. He entered the house with the lie that he forgot his passport at home and played his last card. He added poison to the tea and it was Baran who took it.
After drinking the tea, Baran passes out. He sobers up, faints, sweats and loses balance. While Dilan is witnessing these moments next to him, he is quite afraid. What happens to Baran all of a sudden scares him.
Dilan takes a close interest in Baran. He keeps watch by his side until morning.
Azade, on the other hand, decides to return to the country by giving his own punishment. In this decision, Baran’s discomfort may come to the fore. Later, Baran can prevent him from going.
Derya, on the other hand, gets into trouble while she’s freed again. Instead of Dilan, he poisoned Baran and learns that what poisoning will come out, he gets into a shoe with both feet. This woman is insane!
Ali took the blow to the head. Surely his memory will come back…
How did you find this episode, let’s meet in the comments 💕
Blood Flowers Kan Çiçekleri Episode 86 Trailer Details Continue! What Will Happen at Blood Flowers on , Tuesday 25th!
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