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Derya threw Baran into the fire with her own hands!
Hello, Blood Flowers lovers… The full episodes in Blood Flowers are progressing rapidly. Knowing that Dilan will not go quietly, Baran took action! While Dilan continues to wait helplessly, Derya takes the stage again. Number of minutes for Baran and Dilan! You can also express your opinions with your comments.
Blood Flowers (Vandetta) Kan Çiçekleri episode 72th trailer has arrived. Blood Flowers (Vandetta) Kan Çiçekleri will continue to be broadcast on Channel 7 screens with its new episode on Wednesday, April 5th. In the last episode of Blood Flowers (Vandetta) Kan Çiçekleri, we emphasized that Baran’s feelings towards Dilan have changed. Step by step, Baran and Dilan get closer. What will happen in the 72th episode of Blood Flowers? The Blood Flowers series continues with its new episodes. Blood Flowers (Vandetta) Kan Çiçekleri episode 72th trailer has arrived! What happened in the last episode of Blood Flowers, what will happen in the new episode? The details in the summary of the 72th episode of Blood Flowers are in our news…
The 72th episode of Blood Flowers (Vandetta) Kan Çiçekleri, which is one of the most loved and most watched TV series on Channel 7 screens, is with you.
Details from the Trailer of Blood Flowers 72 episodes!
Excitement continues at full speed in Blood Flowers. Baran started to know Dilan well. He knows very well that he will not go away quietly. Moreover, leaving the things he valued and having spirituality, and leaving without informing his sister, Kader, made Baran suspicious. Things changed for Baran when Metin teacher said that Dilan gave him the ticket.
Baran started to panic when he could not reach Dilan as the hours passed. He started to think that he couldn’t protect Dilan when there was already a lot of trouble after them. Baran is now unaware of where Dilan is, except in his safe arms.
One of those who feel sorry for Dilan is Cihan. In the last incident, the ice between Cihan and Dilan had stopped to melt, but it was not completely over. Now Dilan’s absence started to worry Cihan. Cihan is trying to support his brother in this regard. Dilan says that no matter what, she will definitely find a way out.
Derya is determined to put an end to this incident. He ties Dilan’s hand, who is unconscious, to his face. If Derya is blindly loving Baran like this, it’s obvious that she’s a psychopath. He will kill Dilan with his own hands just to reach Baran. Moreover, Baran does not even love Derya as much as his nails.
Blood Flowers Kan Çiçekleri Episode 73 Trailer Details Continue! What Will Happen at Blood Flowers on , Wednesday April 5th!
Baran did what he said and found Dilan. But the timing was very wrong. While Baran was able to save Dilan, Derya set the house on fire. Things are messy now. Dilan and Baran will definitely be saved somehow, but Derya’s facial expression will be inevitable when she learns that she threw Baran into the fire.
While the house is on fire, Baran and Dilan hug each other and wait for their end.
How did you find this episode, let’s meet in the comments 💕
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