Blood Flowers (Vandetta) Kan Çiçekleri Episode 62 Watch Trailer – Wednesday, March 22 Trailer

kan çiçekleri 62

Smiling Faces! Except Baran…

Hello, lovers of Blood Flowers… In Blood Flowers, the people of the house understood that Dilan was right about Kudret’s health by hearing the truth from the doctor. We were sure that Dilan could make it. You can also express your opinions with your comments.

Blood Flowers (Vandetta) Kan Çiçekleri episode 62th trailer has arrived. Blood Flowers (Vandetta) Kan Çiçekleri will continue to be broadcast on Channel 7 screens with its new episode on Wednesday, March 22th. In the last episode of Blood Flowers (Vandetta) Kan Çiçekleri, we emphasized that Baran’s feelings towards Dilan have changed. Step by step, Baran and Dilan get closer. What will happen in the 62th episode of Blood Flowers? The Blood Flowers series continues with its new episodes. Blood Flowers (Vandetta) Kan Çiçekleri episode 62th trailer has arrived! What happened in the last episode of Blood Flowers, what will happen in the new episode? The details in the summary of the 61th episode of Blood Flowers are in our news…

The 61th episode of Blood Flowers (Vandetta) Kan Çiçekleri, which is one of the most loved and most watched TV series on Channel 7 screens, is with you.

Blood Flowers (Vandetta) Kan Çiçekleri Episode 62
kan çiçekleri

Details from the Trailer of Blood Flowers 62 episodes!

Excitement continues in Blood Flowers. Dilan was heartbroken and managed to bring Kudret before the doctor. Dilan’s last resort was to take Kudret out of the house in a wheelchair and take him to the doctor.

Baran learned from doctor Metin that his father was treated incorrectly about his health. I wish they had done this quietly beforehand. Even the deaf sultan heard that Kudret went to the doctor. Naturally, Hasan Karabey took all the precautions. Of course, the days will come when he will be caught at his most vulnerable moment.

Cihan’s face is smiling. Cihan will finally take a step towards Dilan. When Kudret’s health improves, Cihan may even hug Dilan with joy. Azade will now put the sails on the water with a hassle!

Blood Flowers Kan Çiçekleri Episode 62 Trailer Details Continue! What Will Happen at Blood Flowers on , Wednesday March 22th!

As we said, Doctor Metin’s visits to and from home will become more frequent. This situation will sting Baran Karabey. Baran will begin to envy Dilan inside. Realizing this situation, Derya will go to the fire with embers. While his aim is to make a relationship between Dilan and Metin, he will ignite the fire between Baran and Dilan. You see, Dilan in Derya will be out.

Mine was stuck with the pregnancy lie again. The duo of Ali and Zümrüt is dull and silent. They immediately accepted the situation. I have never seen such a dull couple. In fact, it would be correct to say that Mine adds excitement to this relationship.

How did you find this episode, let’s meet in the comments 💕


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