Blood Flowers (Vandetta) Kan Çiçekleri Episode 152 Watch Trailer – Wednesday, September 27 Trailer

kan çiçekleri 152

Let All This Be a Dream!

Hello Blood Flowers lovers. What’s going on in the series? Is that entrance of Sabiha real or a dream? The entrances to the Karabey mansion will not turn into the inn passing by! What will happen in Blood Flowers episode 152? These days, you can express your opinions with your comments.

kan çiçekleri 152

Dizi Haberleri What we expected and what we found in Blood Flowers. While we are waiting for a different Dilan Baran from last season, it seems like we are watching the end of a story like a truck with no brakes.

After Dilan and Baran had come a long way in their relationship, they also had a wedding for the second time. The result was a complete fiasco. Now they are worse than before. He literally broke down to show that he had no feelings for Dilan Baran! Baran made Dilan a prisoner again.

While the situation is like this, Sabiha’s looks are not a problem to be taken away! It’s a mystery how long this chaos will continue like this! And what does it mean to burst into the bedroom with a lapel in your hand? It’s definitely a dream… Let it be Dilan’s nightmare, please.

Derya also does not let go of Fırat. Even though Rose is very sad, she knows how to keep her tail up. He talks nice to Fırat. It was one of the beautiful scenes when Gül and Dilan supported each other.

We started Blood Flowers in a nervous breakdown mode this season. Let’s see if we can calm down more in the coming episodes…


How did you find this episode, let’s meet in the comments 💕

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